Women’s World Banking Brings Making Finance Work for Women Summit to Mumbai

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Business Intelligence

Leading global nonprofit unlocks women’s financial power and announces the winners of the 2023 Fintech Innovation Challenge

MUMBAI, India, May 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Women’s World Banking, a global leader in advancing financial inclusion for low-income women across the world, is bringing the Making Finance Work for Women Summit to Mumbai, India on 24-25 May 2023. Convening for the first time in person since 2019, the Making Finance Work for Women Summit will provide a space for over 300 leaders in the financial services, investor, philanthropy, policy, and technology communities to come together and discuss innovative ways to economically empower all women through financial inclusion.

“From climate change to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to face an unprecedented number of events negatively impacting the global economy – often with particularly damaging consequences for women,” said Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women’s World Banking. “Nearly one billion women across the world still lack access to the formal financial services that would allow them to be resilient in the face of these challenges. The Making Finance Work for Women Summit is one of the ways Women’s World Banking is trying to close the gender gap in financial services. We will showcase proven solutions that can be adapted by financial services providers and policymakers around the globe.”

At this year’s Making Finance Work for Women Summit, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leaders such as Stephanie Copus Campbell, Australia’s Ambassador for Gender Equality; Soraya Hakuziyaremye, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Rwanda; and Rajesh Bansal, CEO, Reserve Bank Innovation Hub. Panel discussions will touch on everything from finance for displaced women, to gender lens investing, to the role of the ‘S’ in ESG, providing attendees with a space to both better understand why financial power is vital to economic resilience and see what they can do to unshackle women’s financial power.

“We are lucky to have so many thought leaders gathered with us in India, which is where Women’s World Banking’s story began more than 40 years ago and where we continue to do some of our most impactful work,” continued Iskenderian. “With India holding the Presidency for the G20 this year, we could think of no better location for creating innovative pathways to women’s financial inclusion.”

Women’s World Banking is excited to bring back the Fintech Innovation Challenge as a part of this year’s Making Finance Work for Women Summit programming. The Fintech Innovation Challenge is a global competition to showcase solutions that tackle the persistent challenges in serving low-income women. The Challenge will culminate on the final day of the Summit where the four finalists – GajiGesa, IndiaP2P, MeraBills, and Paycode, selected from a field of 98 applications from 34 countries – will deliver their pitches to a judging panel comprised of experts from financial services, technology, innovation, and regulatory bodies. The winner will receive a priority pitch slot at the Inclusive FinTech Forum in Rwanda, powered by Elevandi. The Challenge is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ernst & Young LLP (EY US).

“Fintechs have a unique advantage in addressing the digital financial services inclusion gap for women. This year’s applicant pool was full of innovative companies with exciting business models for addressing the biggest obstacles to women’s financial inclusion,” said Iskenderian. “All four of our finalists, three of which are led by female founders, hold enormous potential to promote women’s economic security and prosperity.”

Women’s World Banking is committed to promoting financial inclusion and bolstering economic empowerment for women. To date, the global organization has increased access and/or usage of financial products and services to more than thirteen million women in emerging markets. In the last year alone, Women’s World Banking invested eighty-eight million dollars in inclusive finance institutions, reaching over six million women.

The Making Finance Work for Women Summit is presented by Women’s World Banking with support from Leading Sponsor, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Scaling Sponsor Ernst & Young (EY US). The event is made possible with additional sponsorship from MetLife Foundation, European Investment Bank, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and The United Nations Capital Development Fund. Women’s World Banking is grateful for the ongoing support of its core funders: Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and Visa Foundation.

For more information, follow @womensworldbnkg at #MFWW2023.

A full list of speakers can be found here and the agenda for the Summit can be found here.

For media inquiries, or to arrange interview opportunities with any of the Summit speakers or Fintech Innovation Challenge finalists, contact: Elizabeth McDermott at [email protected] 

About Women’s World Banking
Women’s World Banking designs and invests in financial solutions, institutions, and policy environments in emerging markets to create greater economic stability and prosperity for women, their families, and their communities. With a Global Network reach of 61 financial services providers in 34 countries serving more than 136 million women clients, Women’s World Banking drives impact through its scalable, market-driven solutions; gender lens private equity fund; and leadership and diversity programs. 


SOURCE Women’s World Banking







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香港 – Media OutReach Newswire – 2024年10月24日 – 香港搵律師網正式推出全新AI法律判斷工具,旨在為市民提供一個便捷的途徑來了解自己的行為是否觸犯法律。這款工具不僅可以解答具體的法律問題,還能根據香港現行法例,判斷出用戶的情況是否構成犯罪行為。服務宗旨在於透過技術輔助市民解決法律疑惑,節省他們尋找律師的初步時間和成本。 這款AI法律判斷工具背後由全球領先的語言模型GPT-4提供支持,並且特別針對香港的法例進行了學習和訓練。用戶只需輸入自己的具體情況,AI便會根據當前的法規進行分析,判斷是否觸犯法律及違反哪一條條例。與簡單的「是」或「否」回答不同,AI有時候也會根據不同情況作出靈活判斷,為用戶列出可能的解決辦法和法律風險,提供更具彈性的答案。 例如,用戶可以輸入以下問題,來獲得該工具的分析: 例子1 我在不知情的情況下幫助一個詐騙集團工作,整個過程我都以為自己是進行正常工作,內容是設計遊戲人物,亦沒有跟其他同事多作溝通,直到警察上門拉人,我才知道這間公司原來一直進行詐騙。我有犯法嗎? AI回答(中文): 視情況而定 對於您提到的情況,是否構成犯罪將取決於多個因素,包括您的意圖、行為的性質以及您在工作過程中是否有盡合理的注意義務。 法律分析 根據《盜竊罪條例》及《刑事罪條例》,犯罪行為一般需要有故意或明知違法的意圖。如果您在工作過程中確實不知該公司從事欺詐活動,那麼您可能無法被認定為有罪。具體分析如下: 意圖:在刑法中,犯罪行為通常需要有意圖或故意。在您的情況下,若您可以證明自己對該公司的真正業務完全不知情,這可以作為辯護點。 合理的注意義務:法院通常會考慮一個人是否在知情上盡了合理的注意義務。如果您能證明自己在工作中一貫地遵循了適當的行業標準和常識,這可能有助於獲得減輕處罰。 合作態度:如果您在警方調查中主動配合,並提供了有關該公司的所有信息,這也可能會被認為是一種減輕情節。 引用法律條文 根據《刑事罪條例》第10條,犯罪必須具備有意識的故意行為,才能被認定為犯罪。 進一步分析 以下是幾個可能的場景,及其法律後果: 場景一:如果您能證明自己完全不知情並且沒有意圖參與欺詐,則不太可能被控以任何犯罪。 場景二:如果警方認為您在流程中有失職(例如,明知不應合作卻仍然接受工作),則可能會考慮起訴的可能性。 場景三:如果您意識到某些可疑行為卻選擇無視,那麼法律上可能會對您產生某些責任。 綜合以上分析,是否構成犯罪主要取決於您在該過程中的知情程度和意圖。 免責聲明:以上信息僅供參考,不構成法律建議。我建議您通過我們的網站尋求專業律師協助以獲得具體建議:https://hkfindlawyer.com/contact-us/. 例子2 我在地鐵摸了一位女性的腳趾,算犯法嗎? AI回答: 否,這本身並不構成犯罪。然而,行為的背景和情境對於判斷是否會產生法律後果至關重要。 詳細解釋 如果這個行為是無意的且沒有不當意圖,通常不會構成犯罪行為。然而,了解法律背景是至關重要的: 如果行為是無意的,並且發生在擁擠的通勤中,這可能會被視為一次不幸的意外。 如果行為是故意的,並且被對方認為是不受歡迎的,則可能根據相關法律被視為襲擊或騷擾行為。 根據《性罪行條例》(第200章),任何性質不當且未經同意的身體接觸,都可能引發刑事指控。第2條明確規定:「任何人如未經同意進行性質不當的行為,均屬犯罪行為。」 假設場景分析 場景一:您在試圖保持平衡時不小心擦到了她的腳趾。在這種情況下,可能不會有法律後果。 場景二:您故意摸了她的腳趾,並且她表達了不適。這可能會被視為騷擾,並可能導致對您的投訴。 場景三:如果對方認為這是持續不受歡迎行為的一部分,儘管最初的行為似乎微不足道,這可能會升級為騷擾指控。 總結來說,在中性情境下,觸碰他人的腳趾可能不會違法,但對方的感受和您行為的意圖是關鍵因素。建議避免任何不受歡迎的肢體接觸,以免引起誤會。 免責聲明:本回覆僅供資訊參考,不構成法律建議。建議您就具體法律問題諮詢合資格律師。如需專業協助,請訪問我們的網站。 例子3 我借了戶口給人,獲取了報酬。後來警察說該人用我的戶口洗黑錢,我算犯法嗎? AI回答(中文): 視情況而定 根據香港法律,使用他人銀行帳戶進行金錢交易,尤其是在涉及非法活動如洗錢的情況下,可能會引發法律責任。但具體的法律後果取決於多種因素,包括您的知情程度和參與允許交易的性質。 根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》第25條,任何人如參與、協助或促使其帳戶用於洗錢活動,均可能面臨刑事責任。 法律根據 洗錢定義:根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》,洗錢指的是用於掩飾起源或性質的犯罪所得。 知情與無知:如果您無法證明您對帳戶的非法使用毫不知情,您可能會被認為有責任。 協助或從中獲利:如果您因使帳戶被用於洗錢而獲得回報,這會加重您的責任。 …