Emakase introduced Em Base Camp – an entrepreneur development program at “Source & Capital” Seminar

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Oct. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On October 24, 2024, the “Source & Capital” seminar, organized by Emakase in collaboration with its partners, took place at BLOCK71 Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City. The event attracted more than 70 participants, including investors, founders, and representatives from various organizations within the startup ecosystem.

Emakase is a consulting firm that specializes in providing consulting services in investment, fundraising, management, and business strategy for small and medium enterprises, as well as consulting on the implementation of innovation programs for startup-supporting organizations in Vietnam.

Through this seminar, Emakase hoped to create an opportunity for experts to share how startups can build internal strength and prepare resources amid a tightening investment market, commonly referred to as the “fundraising winter.”

The seminar unfolded over two engaging sessions. The “Source” session featured insights from startup founders who have successfully raised capital, while the “Capital” session brought together representatives from investment funds with substantial experience in the Vietnamese market. The event also featured a sharing session by Mr. Bui Hai Nam, Co-Founder and CEO of Sổ Bán Hàng, who offered valuable insights from his entrepreneurial journey and experiences in securing investment.

In the “Source” session, Mr. Nghia Vu, Co-Founder & CEO of Bizzi, observed that many investors often set unrealistic expectations, seeking 100x growth from startups, which makes it difficult to find suitable partners. He shared, “At Bizzi, our philosophy is to prepare for the worst when times are good. When we raise funds, it’s not to achieve rapid growth but to ensure stability in the event of a market downturn,” underscoring the need for a balanced approach that focuses on both growth and stability.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Giang, Founder and CEO of Tititada, emphasized the importance of building a long-term business model rather than simply following the investors’ short-term demands. She advised, “Until the market recovers, we should focus on our strengths—doing what we can, controlling costs, and making steady progress,” highlighting the importance of sustainable growth during challenging periods.

Adding to the conversation, Mr. Tran Van Vien, Co-Founder of Filum.ai and former Co-Founder of Base.vn (acquired by FPT Corporation in 2021), emphasized that “the most important factors in fundraising are building traction from the very beginning and finding investors whose ‘appetite’ aligns with your business to establish high trust levels.”

The “Capital” session provided perspectives from representatives of ITI Fund, Do Ventures, and VIISA, who noted that while they engage with hundreds of startups each year, only 0.5-1% receive investment. For a startup to succeed in raising funds, it must excel in key areas such as product development, market understanding, and growth potential. Most importantly, the human factor—embodied in the founders and their team—plays a pivotal role in investment decisions.

Mr. Truc Tran, Investment Manager at Do Ventures, likened early-stage investment to finding a potential partner, where the human factors play a crucial role. Selecting the right founder is not just about potential profits but also about the sense of collaboration, shared values, and persistence in the long run. Investing in the right person helps minimize risks, but investors must still accept the inherent uncertainties—a fundamental part of venture capital.

At the same time, Ms. Kimmy Dang, Director at ITI Fund, offered a message to startups: “Founders and investors are on the same boat. When a business grows well, both sides benefit, and that is the real meaning of success.” She emphasized that investors do not need to know the business better than the founder. In fact, no one understands a startup’s operations and goals better than its founders. Every relationship in the investment world has value, and maintaining good relations with founders is the foundation for long-term success, thus, even if a deal falls short of expectations, the connection and collaboration hold enduring value.

Adding to these perspectives, Mr. Vo Tran Dinh Hieu, Board Member of VIISA, emphasizes that for effective collaboration, founders need to share clear and comprehensive business strategies, not just tell a polished story or create a flashy image. If both sides fail to achieve this openness and honesty, discussions become superficial, lacking the necessary trust, often leading to unbridgeable gaps. “Investment is a long-term journey; only with a foundation of honest information sharing can a partnership grow sustainably,” he noted.

Moving to Mr. Bui Hai Nam’s sharing session, he highlighted the necessity of having a clear exit strategy and demonstrating profitability to gain investor trust, especially during periods of tight capital flow. Reflecting on his successful fundraising experience with Sổ Bán Hàng, he noted that maintaining a startup requires more than just capital; it also relies on effective financial management and maximizing internal resources. He also added that in the toughest times, any amount of capital raised during a fundraising round is invaluable and can give a startup a lifeline and a chance to bounce back.

Acknowledging these challenges, Emakase introduced the “Em Base Camp” entrepreneurship development program during the seminar, aiming to support early-stage startups, those in greatest need of guidance and resources. Participants in the program do not have to give up equity and will receive a customized six-month development plan crafted with the support of Emakase’s advisory team and industry experts.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Phuc, Managing Partner at Emakase, shared, “Media often highlights startups that successfully secured funds, but what about the countless others who are still struggling, who have not yet had their chance to shine? These are the startups that Em Base Camp was built for. We want to give them the support they need, to help them strengthen their foundation and give them the belief that one day, they too will stand tall and secure the investment they deserve. It’s about giving every founder a fighting chance to make their vision a reality.”

One of the unique aspects of Em Base Camp is its Expert-in-Residence (EIR) model, where founders work directly with industry-leading expert consultants from Emakase. The program leverages a team of experts with extensive experience across various fields and projects, enabling startups to address real-world challenges such as product development, market entry strategies, and financial management, ensuring that startups are well-equipped to overcome their difficulties.

Em Base Camp is now accepting applications, with the first cohort set to launch in January 2025. Startups interested in joining can find more information at: www.emakase.co/ebc.

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SOURCE Emakase


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提供高標準醫學掃描技術 為個人影像診斷服務樹立新標準 香港 – Media OutReach Newswire – 2024年11月23日 – 真諾醫療有限公司(「真諾醫療」或「本公司」)欣然宣佈,旗下位於尖沙咀亞士厘道21號2樓全層的真諾醫學掃描開幕儀式完滿舉行,並獲高力集團有限公司主席彭德忠先生,行政會議成員高永文醫生及醫療衛生界立法會議員林哲玄醫生等多位貴賓親臨現場,出席剪綵儀式。透過結合尖端醫學掃描技術,真諾醫學掃描為客戶提供專業及準確診斷,有效協助於病人的治療計劃,並為醫學影像服務樹立新標準,矢志成為相關服務領域當中的領導者。 真諾醫學掃描傲踞尖沙咀市區核心地段,地理位置便利,並鄰近醫療診所和保健中心。通過經驗豐富的醫療專業團隊,配備正電子電腦斷層掃描(PET / CT)、磁力共振成像(MRI)、電腦斷層掃描(CT)等各種高端的成像技術,為客戶提供準確和詳細的診斷信息,從而協助計劃治療各種醫療狀況,包括癌症、心臟病、神經系統疾病等。 真諾醫療行政總裁及掃描中心總監駱昭明醫生出席儀式時表示:「我們一直致力於提供頂尖標準的醫學影像服務。真諾醫學掃描提供優質舒適的環境,配合高端的醫學影像設施,讓客戶享受個人化的診斷服務,以迎合各個病人的獨特需求。在其個人健康旅程上,與他們一路同行。」 Hashtag: #AssureMedicalImaging #真諾醫學掃描 發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任 關於真諾醫學掃描影像中心 真諾醫學掃描的目標是建立一個獨特和專屬的醫學影像設施,主要提供高端的正電子電腦斷層掃描(PET / CT)、磁力共振成像(MRI)和電腦斷層掃描(CT)診斷服務給病人,並包括乳房造影、超聲波、X光和骨質密度掃描。透過最先進的成像設備、舒適環境和個人化的服務,以迎合每位病人的不同需求。我們旨在提供超越病人期望的醫學診斷服務體驗,並為他們整體健康和福利提供卓越的價值,真諾醫學掃描同時致力為客戶提供最高標準的服務質量、隱私和獨特性,為個人化的醫學影像服務樹立新標準。 Post Views: 1,355

「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會2024」 11月21日至24日

展出900款創新科技產品及方案,共建年齡友善智慧城市 香港 – Media OutReach Newswire – 2024年11月23日 – 由香港特別行政區政府和香港社會服務聯會(社聯)聯合主辦,並由香港科技園公司協辦的第八屆「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會(GIES)」於11月21日至24日一連四日在香港會議展覽中心舉行,免費入場。這個全港最大型的樂齡科技公眾教育活動,今年雲集超過220個參展單位,展出逾900款來自本港,內地和全球各地的樂齡科技創新產品及應用方案,涵蓋遠程、人工智能、機械人、智能感應等技術,讓公眾親身體驗各類型創新科技,共同探索和建構樂齡智慧城市。今屆首次設有與兒童相關的主題館,並帶領大家探索長者友善城市,善用科技關顧不同社群的需要,期望長者、照顧者、家庭及業界共同探索智慧生活的未來。 第八屆「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會(GIES)」開幕禮一眾嘉賓。 勞工及褔利局局長孫玉菡先生在開幕禮致辭時表示:「政府相信善用樂齡科技可以改善長者的生活質素,減輕護理人員或護老者的照顧壓力。政府在2024-25年度向『樂齡及康復創科應用基金』額外注資10億元,並擴闊其用途至適合家居使用的樂齡科技產品。我們鼓勵社福單位透過『樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會』了解最新的科技產品和方案,並善用政府資助,繼續加強應用於安老及康復服務。今年《施政報告》宣布政府會發展銀髮經濟,當中安老及康復科技產品是香港近年發展迅速的類別。『樂齡科技博覽』促進產品供應商和使用者的雙向交流,期望可以促進日後的商品化、市場化,期待中港兩地就樂齡科技有更緊密的協作關係。」 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室社會工作部副部長周和博士表示:「社聯在過去八年一直與政府合作,建立跨界別合作平台,促進樂齡科技在香港蓬勃發展,助力國家發展智慧養老及銀髮經濟;發揮了香港在創科發展的優勢之餘,更令相關科技落地應用,造福香港居民,積極回應習主席對香港發展創科的呼籲及期望。」周和副部長衷心恭賀樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會順利舉行,期望社聯繼續支持政府良政善治,與政府同心協力,發展社會服務及智慧養老事業,造福香港及內地市民。 社聯主席陳智思先生︰「今年『樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會』的參展商及展品數量均為歷屆最多。特色主題館有關顧長幼所需的『耆樂童歡 科技共融』及『長者友善城市』;聚焦應用評估、遠程科技及照護食的主題館,及引領大家想像的『未來‧「始」刻』展館,全面展示樂齡科技的多元應用與發展潛力。主題及專題演講以『賦能未來』為主題,期待激發各界積極參與科技發展以推動長者和殘疾人士的生活。本港人口高齡化,發展樂齡科技及銀髮產業顯得尤為重要。GIES能夠繼續發揮促進交流與合作的平台作用,推動各方在樂齡科技領域展開深度合作,期待共同為長者與殘疾人士建構智慧生活的美好藍圖。」 香港科技園公司主席查毅超博士︰「科技園公司很榮幸再次協辦全港旗艦樂齡科技盛會GIES 2024,與各界攜手發揮創新科技的力量,把香港打造成一個年齡友善城市。人口老化,是香港迫切需要解決的重要挑戰,我相信樂齡科技是有效的應對方法。我們會繼續推動整個創科產業的發展,亦積極促進樂齡科技市場化,切實以科技為高齡社區帶來積極改變,努力改善長者生活,同時推動銀髮經濟,鞏固香港作為國際創科中心的地位。」 招商局慈善基金會秘書長黃奕女士︰「GIES來到第八屆,代表招商局慈善基金會參與、支持、見證樂齡科技在香港走過了八個年頭。我們很榮幸能跟社會各界夥伴攜手增進業界和大眾對創新服務的認識和應用。近年,國家持續完善安老政策舉措,加強發展銀髮經濟,為香港樂齡科技帶來新的發展機遇。招商局期望透過賦能安老事業加速發展,推廣樂齡科技走進千家萬戶,並探路大灣區養老創新模式,促進積極應對人口老齡化,讓長者共用時代發展成果。」 今屆樂齡科技博覽設有多個特色主題館,包括「長者友善城市」、「耆樂童歡 科技共融」、「遠程 X 健康新視野」、「樂齡科技應用評估」及「照護食美食廣場」,透過多元化的生活場景和互動體驗讓大家飽覽創新科技最新趨勢。 另外,特色展位包括未來.「始」刻、租賃服務新里程、大學創科展區、線上支援服務、來自中國內地和海外展團等,為博覽帶來不少亮點。博覽期間的精彩活動還包括主題演講及論壇、公眾講座及專題活動如輪椅花生 SHOW、「照護食」烹飪示範和試食等。入場人士可即場體驗科技產品功能、掌握嶄新的樂齡科技服務資訊,及了解對長者、殘疾人士、照顧者及業界的支援。部分產品更是首次亮相樂齡科技博覽,如各式AI智能方案及人型機械人,鼓勵大家發掘這些創科新勢力,與它們互動及分享對未來智慧生活的期盼。 高峰會的主題演講及論壇於 11 月 22 日在會展舉行。主題演講以「賦能未來」為主題,多位行業領袖圍繞地理空間數據、長者友善智慧城市及機器學習,探索社福界加強應用的可能性。論壇圍繞「樂齡科技應用與發展 — 兩地協作新機遇」深入探討及交流。 「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」2024 日期︰ 2024年11月21日至24日 時間: 11月21日(星期四) 上午11時 – 下午6時 11月22日至24日(星期五至日) 上午10時 – 下午6時 * 最後入場時間為每日閉館前30分鐘 地點: 灣仔 香港會議展覽中心 展覽廳1A – C 網站: gies.hk 【免費入場,無須預先登記】歡迎社會各界及公眾參觀 特色主題館 …